Dear Betty,
Thank you so much for making it possible for me to be a Mission Nanny! The 9 months I spent with the Luckey family in Uganda changed my life. I was so honored to be able to homeschool their two beautiful, fun adopted daughters who became two of my best friends. I learned so much from those girls and I have no doubt that the Lord put us in each other’s lives for a reason. Becoming a part of the Luckey family was, and still is, such a blessing. I was able to not only teach Janae and Adelynn, but also work alongside the whole family in their ministry in Africa. I also helped around the home, doing whatever was necessary. I felt so welcomed and inclu-ded and it was pure joy to serve Christ by serving the Luckeys. It was amazing to see how God works first hand, watching Him provide and fulfill His promises in such a poor country. I able to meet some truly incredible people and get a taste of what it’s like to be out on the mission field. My dream now is to get back out there and serve again in whatever Christ calls me to do. I am forever changed and, although I miss my “Africa family” so much, I’m excited to see what God has next for me. I grew so much spiritually, especially during the challenging times, and I wouldn’t change a single thing! Thank you so much for making my dream of serving in Africa a reality!
In Christ, Kelsey.